Outside the Garage

There have been articles in past Newsletters, that discussed some of the things GNYR members do, other than old cars. I know some of us have very hobbies and this is a place to showcase some of those hobbies. Our first installment will showcase long time GNYR member Marty Goffe and some of his antique radios that have been in his possession for many years. Let’s hear Marty describe it in his own words…

Here is a photo of two long term radios in my life.

Marty with his 1947 RCA Globetrotter Model BX and his Garod Model 1450

To my left is my 1947 RCA Globetrotter Model BX AM/battery portable which my father brought home for me exactly 67 years ago today on May 2, 1947. The cabinet is made of aluminum, which was very unusual in that era. My father was working at the new WJZ – TV Channel 7 in NYC which had all RCA electronic equipment. That’s how I was able to get an RCA radio. It cost $ 45 when the retail price was $ 65. No discounting in retail stores in that era

To my right is a Garod Model 1450 which my father bought new in January, 1941 for $12. We heard the entire World War II news on this radio starting on that dark day, December 7, 1941, with that vicious, sneak Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, all the way through the Japanese surrender in 1945.

Both radios work perfectly; through the years each has had tubes and capacitors replaced as required.

In the background is one of my five Zenith Transoceanic AM/FM/shortwave portable radios which are hot collectibles with a semi-cult following. This one is in daily use in our kitchen and is one of the Model 7000 series marking near the end of the famous Zenith Transoceanics. models which were originally made in 1940. This radio was made in the late seventies and unfortunately, production ended in 1981. When new, this radio was priced at about $225.

From 1940 till about 1957, Zenith Transoceanic battery power was supplied by a five pound battery pack. When the company redesigned the radios to transistors instead of tubes, the battery supply became eight D batteries supplying 12 volts. Optional AC power of 110 volts, was (is) available in all of the Transoceanics since 1940.

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